The Flex10 Virtual Connect Modules in the chassis do not have a method of disabling flow control, each ESXi Host would auto-negotiate with Flow Control On for both transmit and receive. Personally, I’ve never had to worry about Flow Control within the environments that I’ve set up. But on this engagement, I was working side by side with a guy who lives, breathes, and retransmits network. Trust me, he knows his stuff. It was his recommendation to disable Flow Control. Realizing I had to figure this out quickly, I turned to the number one tool in my toolbag – Professor Google.
Flexing my “Google-Fu”, I found my answer right away: VMware’s KB Article 1013413. I opened an SSH session, and ran this command
# ethtool –pause
That’s Great! One problem. When I reboot, Flow Control is going to reenable because of the auto-negotiate. So how do I make this persistent/permanent? Another well versed Google search brought me to VMware KB Article 2043564. Once this change was applied, reboots did not reenable Flow Control. My network guy was happy, and hey – I learned something new.
So the next question then, is how do I add this change into a kickstart file. Hmm….. Stay tuned folks. I’ll see if there’s a way to do that.
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